More than 100 jobs have been placed risk at GSK following a $350m sale to a pharmaceuticals company - and readers of The Mail in South Cumbria have had their say.

It is expected GSK will supply buyer Sandoz with the antibiotic Zinnat for another four years.

Ian Worthy said: “Is this great according to Lib Dems because there will be less waste water into Morecambe Bay, assume it could be regarded as environmentally friendly?

"Another large number of hi-tech jobs at risk in South Lakeland, or are the new M & S and Aldi supermarkets regarded as suitable replacements?

"Concentrate on your own area Lib Dems with manufacturing hi tech job retention a priority, thinking appropriate access to Kendal industrial estates for starters, before criticising others, specifically the steel making in West Cumbria.”

Andy Day said: “It's a different and less scary looking price when translated in pounds sterling. The BBC website that broke this story listed it in British pounds as well, £253 million.”

Liam Fifty said: “Can't be many staff left in there. A shame was once regarded as one of the top employers in the area. A lot of folk enjoying the fruits of a fantastic pension from there.

"Reality is its much cheaper to manufacture in places like India. Where health and safety is a foreign concept, and the work force is streamlined without having an army of people in offices.”

Graham Forest said: “Waiting for someone to blame Brexit.”

Sullivan Murphy said: "This is what happens when you put profits over people. It's an inherent flaw in Capitalism that people will one day become obsolete they will be removed. Under a Socialist system everyone would be guaranteed a job and each according to his need."

Karen Lians said: "Waiting for someone to say they can just find another job. How can you risk jobs when we are in lockdown?"

James Taylor said: "Further proof no job is safe these days."