READERS have voiced their thoughts after Boris Johnson said some coronavirus lockdown restrictions could be eased in the next few weeks.

The prime minister said that the Government is 'looking at the potential of relaxing some measures' before mid-February.

However, the he would not give a guarantee that schools would be back before Easter.

Heedtheball said: "A little too early to be easing restrictions just yet in my opinion. However, if the hospitals signify that they are coping ok now, then who am i to criticise."

Julie Macmillan Clarke said: "Shut the borders, bring in the quarantine hotels and let us have a little bit of normality."

Gemma Quinn said: "Schools shouldn't open until all staff have been vaccinated with both."

Sammy Ann Mckinne said: "Don't rush us all back out of lockdown again otherwise in a few months we will be on another for the fourth time and all this time in has been for nothing."

Jane Pritchard said: "I hope not as we will be back into lock down again."

Alex Rayment said: "How many times is the Government going to repeat the same mistakes again and again and again.

"Do we all want to be in lockdown next Christmas?? Eliminate the virus like New Zealand and Taiwan etc.., break the endless cycle of lockdown-release and open up our country in a safe and sustainable way with strict health screenings at the borders to prevent reinfection from abroad."

Pam Burton: "I hope not."