A community group that has been feeding the hungry and helping those in need during this difficult year says it is just happy to help.

Barrow Community Kitchen works out of Roosegate Community Centre providing hot meals for those in need and, when coronavirus forced them to shut up shop, they took the food to the hungry.

Sharon Foden and her team work incredibly hard getting meals together before delivering to Ormsgill, Egerton Court, Hindpool and the Griffin Estate.

Egerton Court was recently the first area to receive the initial batch of many hampers and presents in the run up to Christmas.

Speaking about the work, Sharon Foden said: "They are a brilliant bunch over there and we are just glad to help.

"Egerton Court has got a reputation but the people there are fantastic from my experience; they are always friendly and polite.

"We started doing the food drop-offs because when people couldn't come to us because of the lockdown we decided we would go to them.

"We had to shut down for a little bit because of the lockdown and then we couldn't get all the volunteers in due to distancing rules.

"So, we have been doing this all the way through the pandemic really.

"I have had some fantastic comments from the people we deliver to and one of them was nearly in tears because they said they haven't seen anyone in so long.

"Just knocking on the door is just a little way of showing someone you are thinking of them.

"The support has been absolutely fantastic as well, people have given from little to lots, but it is all beneficial." One of the most recent donations was from a BAE maintenance team who dropped off bag-loads of food for them to use.

The Mail: HELP: BAE team delivering their donationsHELP: BAE team delivering their donations

They will also be working with others in the community to drop off hot Christmas meals over the holiday period.

They are open at Roosegate Community Centre Saturday and Sunday for hot meals and food parcels from 12pm until 2pm. If you wanted to donate to the organisation, the weekend is also the best time to do so as that is when they are guaranteed to be there.