Hopes are high that the Covid-19 vaccine could be turning point in the ongoing pandemic.

Developers of the coronavirus vaccine, Pfizer and BioNTech believe it could provide 90 per cent of protection against the virus.

And on Monday, BioNTech chief executive Professor Ugur Sahin expressed hopes to see normality next Winter if enough vaccinations can be administered.

Plans are currently being formed to roll-out the Covid-19 vaccine.

Cumbrian director of public health Colin Cox said: "Across the whole country, the NHS is gearing up to do a vast vaccination scheme, the preparations for that are well underway.

He said: "It will take a long time to get everybody vaccinated. It will set off with people in care homes and care home staff, the elderly and work our way up the age ranges.

"That will take time, even if a vaccine is approved quickly."

Mr Cox added that by next winter, providing it is effective, a "substantial" system could be in place to administer the Pfizer and BioNTech vaccine

County councillor and member of the Cumbria Health scrutiny committee Rebecca Hanson said: “This is very positive news. It’s still early days but it now looks much more likely that we will be back to normal next Winter if the volume of vaccines can be met. My expectation is that several vaccines will be approved.”

A major clinical trial began yesterday on another vaccine in the form of a jab, developed by Belgian company Janssen.

“I know that the work has been taking place for some time to develop plans to roll out vaccination in Cumbria.”