CHILDREN in need received the full support of Cumbrian schools as pupils did their bit to raise money.

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Fundraisers included non-uniform days, dressing up and games which saw hundreds of pounds being raised by each school.

Victoria Academy put on a fundraiser and allowed pupils to bring their own donations.

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Deputy head Pete Davison said: “We had a great day where the kids dressed up as Pudsey. They didn’t have to but most of them came with the ears and the shirts on which made it really fun.

“It was great to see so many smiles especially at a time like this.

“We raised a total of £235.50 from donations. A lot came from £5 individual donations.

“We were very proud of them, and it was so nice to see all the big smiles. They all looked like bananas all dressed in yellow.

“It’s pretty good thing to have in this day and age.”

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Barrow Island Community Primary invited pupils to dress up for the day in yellow Pudsey costumes.

Head Teacher Jennet Dixon said: “We had a fun little day. We had them all dress up and play games.

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“We did a fun game where the kids go round and find signs with different things on. They then had to remember a nine-digit number and bring it back to the teacher which was really nice.

“We had fun in the corridors and kept all the bubbles separate.

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“We sold a lot of wristbands. We haven’t counted all of it yet, but we raised at least £200.”

Sir John Barrow School took full advantage of the day and held quizzes and games for their kids.

Head Teacher Helen Pearson said: “The children at SJB have done a Mr Maher Children in Need Quiz.

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“The quiz included rounds on recognising Ulverston, finding the odd one out, identifying the teacher - clues from their favourite places, favourite foods etc.

“There were lots of giggles and smiles from the children.

“We have so far raised £240.00.”

Chetwynde Primary enjoyed an exciting day filled with costumes and fundraising activities.

Head Teacher Sarah Cruse said: "Chetwynde’s primary school spent a wonderful day experiencing Pudsey related activity.

"Pupils wore Pudsey ears or an item of yellow clothing to show their support. All pupils took part in Joe Wick’s PE workout where they did star jumps press ups and running on the spot.

"Once they were totally exhausted they started more creative activities such as designing Pudsey a new bandana or whole school uniform or painting their own Pudsey bears. Parents were asked to contribute to Children in need and a video of all our activities is available on the Chetwynde Primary Facebook page."