AS part of ongoing refurbishment works at Rheged near Penrith, Winswood Ltd, a family glazing firm based in Lancashire and Cumbria, are undertaking the significant task of replacing the glazed roof lights on the roof of the centre.

Replaced with help from a 100-tonne crane in the car park and a further specialist ‘spider crane’ located on the roof, the huge shaped pieces of glass have been carefully lifted into place to replace the original units.

The works are part of a major refurbishment scheme, with the centre anticipated to re-open in Autumn 2020.

Speaking of the scheme, Winswood’s Managing Director, Oliver Wood, said: “We are really pleased to have secured such a landmark project. We are a family business and specialise in bespoke glazing projects, often where there are technical challenges to overcome.

"The nature of the building at Rheged has meant we have needed significant infrastructure and planning to safely lift over 80 bespoke glass units into place.

"As well as improving the efficiency of the building, they will improve the internal environment as many of the previous units had failed and were in need of replacement.

"The other refurbishment works in the centre will conclude in the next few months, and upon re-opening, this already excellent attraction will be better than ever. It is a fantastic project to have played a part in.”

The unique centre opened in 2000 and is Britain’s largest grass covered building with the roof of the complex being entirely turfed. Named after a post-Roman era Kingdom to which Cumbria once belonged, the Rheged Centre celebrates Cumbrian produce and goods in its collection of shops, a 3D cinema, large conference spaces, art gallery, a spa and children’s play areas.