THE shipyard is creating a Covid-19 test centre on site. 

A mobile, drive-thru testing station is being built on lands at the docks by the newly-build Resolution building. 

A spokesman said the centre was for the use of the wider community as well as shipyard staff. 

This week the British Army are using the site after being asked by the government to help with the nationwide efforts to increase testing. 

A BAE Systems spokesman said: "Our intent is to establish a regional test centre in Barrow for the local community and employees and we are working with the Department for Health and Social Care, local authorities, as well as local and national health agencies to achieve this.

"The first phase was to complete the development of the site infrastructure.

"This is now finished, however, there are a number of important steps still to complete before we can begin to operate the test centre ourselves.

In the meantime, and to support the Government's national testing programme, we have offered use of our site to the UK military, who will operate from here on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week."