Hughie Corr said: "We are top for testing. That's why the figure is high. We have tested more in this area than any other. If the same scale of tests were carried out country wide then I'm sure it would show a different figure."

Darren Moody said: "It's a big cul-de-sac, and we have to travel a while to get anywhere."

Linda Jordan said: "So annoying knocking our town. How many of these people have ever been. We have some lovely areas and some not so lovely areas like any other town and city. On the whole Barrow is a great place to live and most folks are great!"

Barrow Lad said: "Takes you back to the comedian Mike Harding who always said Barrow is at the end of the longest cul-de-sac in Britain (or similar words)."

Gemma Maddison said: "Compared to the Orkneys or Shetland, Barrow is actually quite central."

Gary James said: "Well... yeah."

Matt Holliday said: "What's more annoying than knocking the town is the unavoidable appearance of the 'don't knock our town' brigade... One of the biggest reasons nothing ever changes round here, can't take any kind of criticism at all. Top of the league for benefits, teen pregnancy, drugs, covid - 'yeah but Barrovians are brill'."

Michael P Cassells said: "Is the biggest worry how remote we appear to be?"

Andy Whittle said: "They weren't knocking it, they were just saying Barrow is in a remote location."

Mark Smith said: "Emmmm. Not even close."

Chris Mullen said: "Well it is kinda remote - roads haven’t been updated for years, you travel through villages to get here, also don't help most people not from area think Barrow Island is Barrow. I think we do well for the problems we have to deal with, roads location etc."

Mythiughts said: "We are a cul-de-sac as they call it. But we have good public transport links. A lot don't especially those on the outskirts in the villages. Bardsea being."