The Mail readers react to news that men from Leeds were stopped in a taxi heading to the Lake District, despite the nationwide lockdown:

Nikki Griffiths said: "My god."

Stephen Brookes said: "Taxi driver should have known better."

Kendal30 said: "And what did they plan on doing when they got here? Steal cars and drive home? Should have been slammed in jail and interrogated."

Terry Hulme said: "Why did the taxi firm even allow them to go there? What gets me is before the virus none of the people breaking the rules wanted to do any of the stuff they're breaking the rules with."

Faileas said: "If they were that keen to get here, coming in at 1.30am, then surely they'll just try again."

June Tyson said: "What part of The Lakes are closed don't they understand."

James Stamper said: "Must have been essential at that time of night,"

Bratface said: "The taxi firm should be fined as well for bringing them here, people will do anything for money!"

Martin Langhorn said: "Should have fined the taxi driver as well."

Keith Clarke said: "Should have taken his taxi licence off him."

ambleside63 said: "Start fining and put the fines up -pathetic amount... No deterrent at all. Spain started at 100, two days later 600 minimum, you don't mess about over here or they will fine you no problem. Don't get me wrong people do try but fail badly... Plus civil guardia have guns. UK are too soft, sort it out... Stay safe."

Ronnie White said: "Stay at home, it’s so easy. Abide by the rules."

Guapo said: "Start fining people."

Brenda Chadwick said: "What part of stay at home is so difficult to understand?"

Shaun Foster said: "Well done to all."

Lindsay McCartney said: "Well done the police, tried to be sneaky about it - should be a £1000 fine to anyone caught."

Pauline Powell said: "Good work."