A FORMER Barrow police officer who still works with the force has recently had a children’s book published.

Kat Howarth, 39, was inspired to write ‘Eddie at the Zoo’ to feed her seven-year-old daughter Coryn’s curiosity.

The book was inspired after Kat and Coryn paid a visit to see the bats at the zoo.

The little girl was fascinated by them.

Coryn questioned if the baby bat felt sad at missing out on the day because he was asleep.

As she gazed at him dangling upside down sleeping, she asked: “If he sleeps all day, what does he do at night?”.

Inspired by this question, Kat wrote her daughter this book.

She had no previous experience in children’s storytelling or any previous ambition to become a published writer.

“I am a first time author and never really had any aspirations to become a children’s author,” said Kat, of Great Urswick.

“I simply just wrote a book in response to my young daughter's curiosity with the bats.

"I originally wrote the book in 2018 for my daughter, who became a big fan of 'Eddie'.

“My family then read the book and suggested I approach a publisher.

“I approached Austin McCauley who straight away agreed to publish 'Eddie' in the zoo.

“The book was finally released on March 31, 2020.

“Major stores such as Waterstones, Amazon, and WH Smith are now selling the book.

“I would like to say some thank yous to my family, friends and Adam Steel my partner for their encouragement and support.”

Kat now works in criminal justice with the police in Barrow.

She is planning to continue the adventures of Eddie, who was named after Kat’s late grandad, in the near future and is hoping that children will be able to take away a positive message from reading it.

“I’m keen to keep on writing about Eddie and different adventures he has. This book teaches children about understanding others' feelings.

“I would like each book to follow Eddie on an adventures with each time with a moral to the story.

“Perhaps my next book will look at how Eddie is a little different to all the other animals and learns that it’s OK to be different.

“What inspires me to keep writing is the enjoyment I have seen my daughter take in Eddie as a character, in the way that he has the same curious and sometimes mischievous spirit that most children have.

“I hope that other children will identify with Eddie and also learn life’s little lessons through his adventures.”

So the adventures of Eddie will hopefully continue soon...