Hazel Smith said: "Brilliant. I believe that the doctor who spoke at the meeting explained that the community centre is open for all of the public and will be put out to hire. He also said about how we have struggled to get and keep some of the great specialist doctors here over the years due to nowhere for them to have their weddings, birthdays and other ceremonies as well as pray. I am very happy that this has passed and that the government have approved it as well as the council."

Rachael Lewis said: "Everyone has a right to a place of worship, and it's brilliant that we are getting some diversity in the area! There is no point comparing the centre to the need for a church when the area is full of half empty churches, we certainly don't need another one that will only be used for Christmas.

Reb S Ter said: "Why can't they use an already empty disused building, adapt an empty church or hall?"

Christopher Wilde said: "Can't see any problems with this, everyone has the right to follow religion and they should have a place to pray."

Phil Jackon said: "It was refused not long back due to parking issues, lack of jobs with the land set aside for that exact reason and badgers on the land. It would b e interesting to see what has changed since then to enable the application to go ahead."

Michelle McGlown said: "Fantastic news!"

Dave J Taylor said: "30-40 children, only a few parking spaces... where are they going to park?"

Thomas Brock said: "Brilliant for Dalton, diversity at its finest."

Jack Jones said: "If everyone is welcome, perhaps all faiths and denominations can work together on this and set a good exmaple to the rest of the country."

Read my lips said: "I think some of the people of Dalton could learn something from Muslim's charity."