YOUTHS climbed onto the roof of a beachside community centre and now its supporters are at the end of their tether.

Lovers of the Round House Hub and Cafe have spoken out after Thursday's incident - the third of its kind at the Walney building.

They said they want to highlight the dangers of climbing onto the roof of the former Chinese restaurant which was transformed into a community hub and cafe last year.

“Hopefully now that we have added more anti vandal paint the anti social behaviour will stop," said a Round House Hub and Cafe spokesman.

“The roof has several weak spots that if stood on they could potentially fall through.

South Walney Labour councillor Frank Cassidy said: “The HuddleHub team of Matt Blackburn and Elaine Roberts have transformed the old Round House. The new cafe is really buzzing, it’s always busy, there’s a good atmosphere and it’s the island community’s pride and joy.

“The mountain views from Biggar Bank are among the finest in the country and our residents’ group is working hard to improve the area.

“Traffic-calming measures are under construction and there are quite a few other initiatives aimed at bringing back the good times to this part of Walney.

“So the very last thing we need is anti-social behaviour that threatens to damage the hub and cause injury to the perpetrators.

“Anti-vandal paint may help to deter future incidents, but anyone seeing suspicious behaviour should call the police.”

"Also the drop is extremely large over the edge should they fall or slip.”

Police said they attended the scene on Thursday after getting a report of three male youths on the roof of the cafe.

A spokesman said: “The youths are believed to be aged 13-14.

“No damage found to have been caused, and officers would like to hear from anyone with information about this incident, referencing incident number 191. Email: or call non-emergency number 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”