EFFORTS are under way to reduce the amount of air pollution children in Barrow are exposed going to school.

Barrow Borough Council says it is working with schools to improve air quality and create a healthier environment for students, teachers and parents.

Furness Academy, St Pius X Catholic Primary School, Ramsden Infants, St Pauls Junior School and Newton Primary School have been learning about air pollution caused by road traffic outside schools and the effect of this pollution on their health.

Roadside monitoring has been set up by the council to measure the nitrogen dioxide levels outside three of the schools to show how much road traffic affects the air quality around these schools.

Council workers have been teaching pupils about air pollution and how to pollution around pick up and drop off times.

Children being driven to school are said to be exposed to double the pollution inside a vehicle compared to those walking on busy streets.

Parents have been urged to turn off their engines outside schools, car share or use public transport to reduce air pollution.

Cllr Ann Thompson, leader of the council and spokeswoman for environment and planning, said: "While we would like to encourage people out of their cars, we know that many people need to drive their children to school.

We want people to be mindful of vehicle pollution and when they know they are going to stop for a minute or more, to turn their engine off. This small act is a simple change that anyone can do to help improve air quality around schools.”