Barbara Stewart said: If they want a quiet life let them be. They are not the next King and Queen so they are not high up in the scheme of things, so let them set up a working life for the Queen in Canada and the rest of the world as an ambassador for Great Britain it is a really good idea and he can still help his grandmother by working for the crown."

Helen Cummings said: "I don’t care where they go so long as taxpayers aren’t funding them."

Sharon Smith said: "Her life, her choice."

Robby Hill said: "The prince is for life... not just for her fairy tail drama... trouble at the wedding... we could all see this coming."

Jo Braithwaite said: "I think it’s all Meghan and not Harry, she must have been pregnant before they got married so not to disgrace the Queen she had to get married, because Meghan doesn’t have her freedom to do acting or her lifestyle, she has caused a lot of trouble between the brothers and the Queen."

Mike Coward said: "No problem with them choosing to live their own lives but not a penny should be used from tax payers money."

Sarah Ackred said: "She's realising that being married to a prince is not the fairytale she has imagined."

Joan Newton said: "Yes let them live there lives as they want. Harry as always wanted the private life, stop hounding them."

Sue Johnson said: "I don't think it has anything to do with us - they are grown up and must make their own decisions like the rest of us."

Keith Murray said: "As long as they relinquish all their titles and money they receive from us taxpayers let them get on with it."

Alii Banks said: "Good on them and I wish them all the best."

diveleader said: "We've had that many votes lately let's have one on the monarchy."

Martin Seamus McFly said: "Strip the titles and a the money including public paid protection."

Barrow30 said: "Who cares. Good riddance."