CONCERNS have been raised that the extension of the Blue Badge scheme to include those with ‘hidden disabilities’ will lead to an increase in hate crime.

Disability rights campaigner Ollie Flitcroft fears there will be more incidents of hate crime towards people with conditions such as autism or other mental health difficulties as new regulations come in today.

The Blue Badge Scheme previously allowed those with severe mobility problems to access goods, services and other facilities by allowing them to park close to their destination. This has now been extended to include anyone suffering from a ‘hidden disability’.       

Mr Flitcroft said: “I read with disgust, but alas not shocked by the incident involving the man suffering with MS having abuse thrown at him by an Uber Eats driver in McDonald’s car park in Barrow.

“I suffer from spina bifida and as a wheelchair user myself I know only too well the issues around disabled parking. "In the past people have expressed things to me as it being a privilege to have it.

“I am now concerned that hate crime will increase towards people with an unseen disability using disabled car spaces. People are talking out of ignorance when they do this.”

Mr Flitcroft also expressed concerns on Barrow Council’s ability to meet the potential rise in people requiring access to disabled car space as a result of the changes.

He said: “More people will be applying for a Blue Badge, which is going to put pressure on disabled parking in Barrow. An audit of the area needs to be undertaken following these changes.”

Councillor Hayley Preston said: “Firstly I’d like to condemn the abuse that the man faced in McDonald’s car park.

“It is unacceptable for this behaviour and I hope Uber’s investigations are concluded quickly to endure a positive outcome for the victim and to prevent this happening again.

“We welcome the changes to blue badge entitlement. Often people suffering with mental illness find it difficult to travel into town, work, school etc.

“The changes to the entitlement will make it easier for them to access these various places. Barrow Borough Council will be looking into the potential impact the changes may have on our parking spaces in our car parks. We will also be contacting the county council to discuss the impact on their on street parking spaces.”