'WE will get you'.

This is the message from Inspector Jim Bailey to criminals in Barrow.

Insp Bailey was speaking after career criminal Jeffrey Trengove was ordered to pay back £34,000 of his ill-gotten gains.

Trengove, 62, was jailed for seven years in June for possession with intent to supply heroin after being convicted of dealing for the third time.

Trengove was arrested while walking through Ormsgill in 2016 after Insp Bailey hunted him down on his police bicycle.

Insp Bailey has now warned other criminals they will also be brought to justice.

He said regular searches of Trengove's property to assess his assets and investigate how he was able to fund them was key to the investigation.

Insp Bailey said: “Little things like these are key.

“Over a period of months we were able to act on intelligence.”

He explained Trengove was arrested shortly after being spotted getting out of a taxi.

He said a phone was taken from Trengove and this proved ‘vital’ in his prosecution.

Insp Bailey explained that had Trengove been pulled over in his car, he may have had time to delete messages that incriminated him.

But this was not possible because he was banned from driving.

Insp Bailey emphasised the importance of clawing back drug money.

He said some criminals are willing to do time in prison as long they still have the money they have made when they get out.

Insp Bailey said he hoped other would-be criminals will see how Trengove has been caught and forced to pay back his proceeds of crime and think twice.

Insp Bailey wants some of the money taken to be re-invested in the Ormsgill community.

He said: “I would like to put some of the money back in to Ormsgill.

“This man was a criminal, a drug dealer and a menace.

“So it would be good to use some of his money to give something back to the community.”