A TOURING troupe has been urged to re-brand to avoid confusion in the midst of the crisis in Ukraine.

The Russian State Opera is due to host a production at the Coronation Hall on Monday, amid Russian military action in Ukraine.

But the group, used as a brand name for British company Amande Concerts, has clarified its position ahead of the performance of the opera Carmen.

A statement shared  by the Coronation Hall said: "This production is brought to you by an English company Amande Concerts Ltd, registered in UK, who have worked with the best of the best performing arts organisations from Eastern Europe for over twenty years.

"Russian State Opera is a brand name established by a UK company, Amande Concerts."

graham2226 said: "If that's the case, a bit of re-branding needs to be done sharpish."

Cooper35 agreed: "Anything with Russia in its name should be banned from everything, including this."

Dalton lad said: "Drop the name. Until Russia and its citizens realise their leader is a thug and a danger to world peace, we need to erase all references."

Furness Abbot said: "The only cancer in Russia is the Kremlin, not the everyday folk from that country. Embrace the good towards defeating the evil scum."

Norman G said: "Hit them hard. Isolate the country, the people and the economy. Let them go back to their 1950s standards. Then perhaps their own people will overthrow them.

"Soviet Nixon was a backwater, let them have it back. All that money spent on missiles and space exploration, and they queued for bread every day!

"Haven't seen any of the CND brigade on here yet - thank god for deterrents or Putin may be in Ulverston next."

The company said it condemned the violence in Ukraine.

It said its performers touring the country included Ukrainians.