EVENTS to remember the first headteacher provided  a Furness school with the opportunity to have fun and celebrate its long education traditions

The Mail, on July 14 in 1997, recorded a day packed with activities at St James' Junior School, Barrow.

It noted: "Children staged a play and released 300 balloons in the playground to mark Bowker Day - named after Robert Bowker, who was in charge of the school from 1867 to 1909.

"The day began with a church service, before teachers, governors and other guests held a celebration lunch.

"The celebration takes place every year and the labels attached to the balloons are found all over the country.

"The eldest children in the school, year six, put on a play and were also awarded prizes for essays which they wrote on the subject of Bowker Day.

"Mr Bowker died in 1921 and Bowker Day has been celebrated since 1928."

Music was one of the keys to success for youngsters in 2007

The Mail, on Wednesday, May 9, noted: "The rhythm of African drums echoes around the streets of Hindpool in Barrow.

"The infectious beat has travelled from the playground of St James' CE Junior School as pupils enthusiastically play the Djembe drums outside in the sunshine.

"Inside the Blake Street school is just as vibrant.

"The choir are in fine voice as they rehearse in their hall which is a showcase for the pride they feel in their school."

Headteacher Angela Rawlinson said: "This school is about coming to school and having a good time, fulfilling potential and pupils preparing for their adult lives.

"Our motto is care, share and respect. We are working towards the same goals and having respect for each other."

The article noted: "The school's 159 pupils look forward to taking on new responsibilities.

"Children are house captains and junior road safety officers.

"Others take gret joy in answering the phones or locking the school gates."

The Mail, on May 25 in 1994, noted: "Size, shape and space were the subjects explored by pupils from St James' School, Barrow, at Furness College.

"They started off in the brick workshop and then looked at different types of patterns in brick and how they give a building strength.

"The children tried moving heavy loads with levers and pulleys and copied the Egyptians by building a few pyramids.

"During screen printing they made a print of the school's name out of three different screens so they could see how different shapes go together."