A 59-year-old has admitted being drunk and disorderly near a police station.

James Hendren, of Egerton Court, Barrow Island, appeared before Furness Magistrates' Court on Tuesday.

Mr  Andrew Travis, prosecuting,  told the court: "Police became aware of an incident outside the police station on St Andrew's Way, Barrow, and went to attend. Two people were causing the problem and one of them was the defendant. They were both moved on. A short time later further along the road the same two started arguing again. Police attended and the defendant became abusive towards officers. He was told to move on but continued to be abusive. He was again told to leave the area but continued and was arrested and taken to Barrow police station."

Hendren, who represented himself in court, pleaded guilty to being drunk and disorderly in a public place on April 21. 

He said he accepted the prosecution's version of events and apologised for his behaviour.

Presiding Magistrate Mrs Jenny Farmer told Hendren that this was not the first time he had been before the court for being drunk and disorderly.

The defendant agreed and said he was looking to get help with his drinking issues but denied he had a problem.

He was fined £80 and told to pay £85 court costs and a £30 victim surcharge.