BARROW Raiders have captured the services of mighty Joe Bullock for the next two years.

The powerhouse prop has agreed terms with Barrow, who are just waiting for him to sign his contract. He is expected to do so later this week.

Bullock, having just completed his second season-long loan spell from Leigh Centurions, has had an outstanding 2015 for Raiders, making 23 appearances and scoring three tries.

His efforts did not go unnoticed, with the 22-year-old picking up four trophies at last week’s end-of-season presentation night.

Bullock, seen as a huge asset as Raiders prepare for a tilt at promotion to the Championship next year, is delighted be part of the Barrow set-up, and said: “I am a Barrow Raider next year.

“Since I have been here I have loved it, the fans have been great, the players have been great and coming back was the easiest decision I have ever made.

“I hope we can push on and be even better next year. We have had a building year and I think we can kick on, we will have added better players and we can improve even more.

“I think we will be right at the top, if not winning it (League One) next year, we are building well.”

As well as turning out each week for Barrow, Bullock is set to take on a new role as a Raiders development officer, which will see him go into a number of Furness schools.

Raiders joint-director of rugby Mike Sunderland said: “It is a fantastic coup for us.

“We wanted him from day one. I think he has shown he is a player for the future as well.

“With his temperament and his manners, he is ideal for Barrow to go forward with. He is a fantastic player and a really nice guy.

“We are very happy that he has agreed to come on a two-year deal. He has not signed his player contract, but he has agreed terms.

“He is going to get better and better as we go.

“We are making sure everything is right before the contract is signed, which should be this week.

“You could describe him as a gentle giant. He is a phenomenal guy, probably one of the best prospects that we have had at Barrow Raiders for quite a few years.”

Regarding the development officer position, Sunderland said it was the club’s intention to ensure Bullock would be fully qualified for the job.

So far, three schools have shown an interest in the idea of working with him. “I think with his personality and his attitude towards work he will be a fantastic representative for Barrow and an asset to any school,” added Sunderland.

“We are hoping to enlarge this over time and expand it into other schools. It can only benefit the local area and the club and it can certainly benefit the local rugby.”

Sunderland is already focused on League One for next season, where the team will face another strong challenge. but expectations are high.

He added: “Next season we are making a huge effort to get into the play-offs.

“We are very confident that we will get in them and it will be some very entertaining rugby, probably the most entertaining rugby that you will see in League One.

“We are building for the Championship. Whether that comes next season or the season after, it will come when we are ready to go.”

The Raiders offered contracts to all of last season’s squad, with 13 players agreeing terms last week. The club are also looking to add at least four new faces.

Both coach Paul Crarey and Sunderland approached a mystery Championship player at the weekend and a decision about his future is expected soon.

“We have got another player that is wanting to come in,” added Sunderland.