A VULNERABLE homeless woman sleeping rough at Furness Abbey has been handed the keys to a new home.

Everyone Matters Homes, based in Carlisle Street, Barrow, has transformed the life of a homeless woman just a month after opening following months of work.

CEO Christine Hughes and director of operations Tracy Davis have been working 'endless hours' to get the business off the ground, with the case this week showcasing the good they can do in the area.

Tracy said: "Christine is passionate about helping people in the local community and has a vast knowledge of housing-related support experience and homelessness needs.

"After working closely over the years with the Barrow homeless team, Christine became aware of this vulnerable lady due to working in collaboration with the Barrow homeless team who always try to help vulnerable people."

The Mail: The woman enjoying her new home alongside CEO ChristineThe woman enjoying her new home alongside CEO Christine (Image: Tracy Davis)

A worried member of the public posted on a community Facebook page about the woman's plight, alerting the business to the story.

"From there we sent two members of our team to visit her at Furness Abbey - the weather was awful raining and cold, and so she was donated some tarpaulin and she was sat underneath that sheltering from the rain," said Tracy.

"It was late and we were working endlessly to try and locate a property - firstly she needed to accept the help and we offered her accommodation.

"We were delighted she accepted our help so we arranged to pick her up the following morning."

The Mail: Tracy introducing the woman to the houseTracy introducing the woman to the house (Image: Tracy Davis)

This took place on Tuesday, May 14, when the team arrived to take the woman to her new home.

"She had already packed her belongings and had the biggest grin on her face," Tracy added.

"She was patient and polite and was cracking jokes to staff - we took her clothing to a launderette and helped her with the rest of her belongings to a warm room that was safe."

The Mail: Tenancy Officer Brenna Wooldridge pictured with the woman after the donation of tarpaulinTenancy Officer Brenna Wooldridge pictured with the woman after the donation of tarpaulin (Image: Tracy Davis)

The business is still accepting donations for the woman, as well as for all the other people they will help going forward in the future.

Call 01229 846480 to find out more.